Where is home for the biracial trans bois?

“I did not feel at home with people who felt they had to self-flagellate to be taken seriously by other queer people.”

Von Reyes
8 min readAug 25, 2023
photo of Von, taken by his fiancé Otto

It’s taken my entire life to find the nerve and vocabulary to articulate what being gay, trans, and biracial have meant for me. I felt like I’ve always lived in those hard-to-relate-to in-between places. I have always struggled with black and white, circular thinking which made holding nuance really uncomfortable for me, especially as a teenager.

I’ve found that navigating the intersections that I do has a unique set of challenges that very few people have understood when I’ve tried to seek support. And sometimes, I’ve been met with outright hostility and silencing in response to my desire to connect. As a method of protection, I stopped talking about them all together in most cases. It didn’t feel safe for a long time.

Over the last three years, though, I’ve started to find people who navigate the world the way that I do, and we all seem to be struggling with the same things. I want to give voice to those things, despite how scary it is and how often these perspectives are intentionally suppressed.

Though I knew I was trans at a formative age, I didn’t tell anyone about it because I was raised in a…



Von Reyes

A sociologist attempting to build a life of joy, ease, and authenticity for us all between seeing my favorite bands live. vonreyes.com