Member-only story


von reyes


Since I was really little, my mom has always told me I have moxie. I love that term for myself, and any time I read it somewhere I hear it in her voice.

definition of moxie: force of character, determination, or nerve. “when you’ve got moxie, you need the clothes to match”

The example sentence is perfect too, since she always raised me to care about my appearance. I still take pride in what I’m wearing before I leave the house. I’ve often joked to my fiancé that you’ll never catch me at Wawa in sweatpants. I think that it’s true, that I do have moxie. Once I’ve set my mind to something, I work steadfast until I achieve that goal. I rarely back down when I find something is violating my values, or harming other people. I’m very passionate about the things that I’m interested in, and I give 110% any time I start a new project. Once I decide to do something, I make the plan and execute.

Some notable examples of when I think my moxie really came through:

1.Studying abroad for 7 months in the Netherlands when I had never left the country. I was very fortunate in that my scholarship included study abroad as part of my college experience, and I wanted to take advantage of it. I knew I didn’t just want to do a condensed summer program, but a full semester. I waffled on where I wanted to go, and the study abroad office suggested this program in Nijmegen because of my interest in a higher education career. This is where I taught my first college class, at just 20 years old. I found myself that semester, in so…



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